Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our NEW Homeschool ROOM!

Cheering our future! New dreams! New space!
What an absolute delight it is now, to bring materials home and know where to put them. NO more piles everywhere in our home. OK, so there is still the laundry, and sometimes the dishes, and sewing....:)

I am so excited! All summer long we've been re-creating our homeschool room! These are the main storage areas. The Ikea Store was wonderful! Hope for designing with function, function, function. My heart so wanted it to be cheerful. In our home we waste SO much time locating STUFF. Between the two moves STUFF has been in boxes and tubs in the garage, in the closets, here and there, high and low, most everywhere. Everywhere, except where I need it most. Mommy does not always stay as poised as I'd like about it. Frustration is the child of disorganization. Oh to break free of the chaos! A dream you say.

The large unit of 5 x 5 cubbies is from the expedit series. I HIGHLY recommend it. In it I have stored all of the subjects we will focus on this year. Some of the subjects are not year long or everyday. I'm not crazy! The green bins hold high school materials left from my graduated son. Hey, I'll need that someday. Two of them hold all the math, English and science know the stuff, items that take up space yet are no good having if ya can't find them and use them when you need them. Makes the difference if they are trash or treasure. I was determined to have nothing I cannot get to easily.
*A work still in progress if strict honesty is to be held to.*

The other large unit is actually three separate units. The center is also an expedit. The two on each end are from the billybook case line. What I loved about them is that the tall bookcases come in a choice of 11" or 15" depth. Yeah 15"!!!!

We racked our brains about desks.... There are so many different things we'd like to use and do on them. This year the girls will share many subjects at different levels. Homeschooling has been such a blessing bonding our family that I don't want to miss opportunities and separate them. This is our large table. WHEELS!!!! IKEA really had the best ideas anywhere my mind was on the hunt. VIKA table tops and legs. What is so fantastic about it is that you choose the top and the legs from a large assortment. The ALRIK swivel chairs are very sturdy and roll well. A great deal considering they are just $14.99. We are going to get another our next shopping trip. It will be awhile yet, as I am out of funds and IKEA is a good hour away.

This is our smaller table. Again WHEELS! There are times and subjects the girls will do better each having their own space to work. The wheels on the work tables will create enough flexibility for the future. Our room is narrower than I'd like so this enabled us to have a very large table but when we do not need the other side, easily having it against the wall. The unit it is in front of holds Art History, Music, Media, Reference, Portfolios, Art supplies, History and Science library, Read alouds, biographies, literature and MORE.
Little Mommy and Minnie Me love their Schoolroom Makeover! The game of LIFE will be played everyday through study, play and fun! School Room, Game Room, Party Room, Craft Room, Kid's Lounge.

I am greatful for all the homeschool moms out there for posting their school rooms. Inspiration and community. I would have never known about IKEA products. Perfect for our homeschooling dreams.

My dear husband is to be thanked often this year.....and so are some grandmas!

The hardest thing was separating all the STUFF and making decisions. Or it may have been letting go of my oak school desks....sniff, sniff....I tried to find a place in the house for the old teacher's desk. It's gone now and it was a good decision. Because, how can I make room for new dreams if I'm still hanging on to old ones that no longer fit! I've done more in the room since the photos were taken and I still have a few more ideas to implement. There is a HUGE smile on Mommy's face.

God has blessed me with transition of my heart reflecting in the schoolroom. May HE ever be praised.


  1. Wow. I am so happy for all of you...and you have inspired me. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Jill. I hope to tour your homeschool dreams soon then!

    2. Thanks Jill. I hope to tour your homeschool dreams soon then!
