Psalm 115:13-15
He will bless those who fear the Lord,
both great and lowly.
May the Lord richly bless
both you and your children.
May you be blessed by the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
No matter how many years I homeschool, planning the year is FUN...Yeah, that is the word. Other words could be: stress, overwhelmed, panic, lost. I prefer puzzled. A puzzle is both challenging and fun! A gift to unwrap...again and again. Evaluating the previous year is crucial. Standing back emotionally to see an honest evaluation is hard. First I have to remember my goals...that's always the stumbling block for me. NOT someone else's goals. Then remember my child. NOT someone else or even another of my children. Honest evaluation... Then I can see clearer where to go. None of that is accomplished with out the LORD. He is THE educator. It seems I'm still in school myself. I need THE educator all the time.
What I don't know, I find rest in knowing HE KNOWS.
Beyond that, following the Spirit and not the Law is the path I desire. Following the Spirit fulfilling the Law not ignoring it. I don't want to be so ridged with my children that I squash them yet I don't want to be so loose with them that they are not trained in mind, body or soul. Jesus help me everyday.
The FPEA (Florida Parent Educator Association) is my favorite event for both curricula and educating myself for whatever the current needs of our homeschool are. I also purchase books and materials at used book sales in our area. The following are many of the books Little Mommy will be working with this year. She is in forth grade, but what does that really mean? The Little Women Homeschool is most definitely ECLECTIC! It has had seasons of a "touch" of unschooling. We also use workbooks, unit studies, and anything else. This is our first year to make lap books. It is hard for me to quit something that doesn't work mid year. I may modify it. However, I am completely armed with the knowledge of what is working and what is not. I prayerfully reassess learning styles, giftedness and interests. So when I step into the convention I am a woman with a mission!
Our home has a homeschooling lifestyle. Everything is school. Teachable moments abound. My journey teaching has most revealed to me that Jesus is LORD. All creation DOES testify. Everything points to Him. It is possible to take every thought captive.
The Bible is our foundation. That does not mean we don't fall short. Cause we do. I do. It means, we all agree in the Bible as truth. And the Word of God is the finial say. So it's not, "Because I said so!" But because, "God says so." How freeing that is.
As I sit here and type this my ears are tingling with an unprompted prayer Minnie Me is starting her and Me Too's day with. Little Mommy is working independently. The dogs are quiet. I'm still in jammies. Joy sits in my heart. This is a moment of encouragement. The day will be full of challenges. I praise Jesus, He'll be there to meet them with me!
Little Mommy loves this! It is easy to do and pierces the heart.
She is assigned something everyday to keep it on her heart all week.
I have created a lesson plan for the week.
The workbook is fun and good. She reads and retells to the girls, studies memory verse with different versions and dictionary, verse card, work book, life application, change in her life (thinking), and recites memory verse. This all leads to further discussion. Our lives are definitely touched by this study.
This is written like the study above but the focus is on health, physically and mentally.
She chooses when she wants to do it. She will do it for fun. She is to do only ONE a week.
This is a hit and miss drawing book. I do love it because it is another way to set God's word in your heart. Weekly we try to do this or another similar project in our drawing journals. Or in The Letters of Paul, another book in this series. It is much fun. The best part is sharing and discussing works. With a mentoring approach it is a door for understanding the Bible and literature analysis. Much would be lost with independent study.
She just likes this. State stuff has been in our home so much that Minnie Me is getting it!
I bought this for last year but we didn't get to it with all the moving. With Bubba's moving across country STATES have become Important! Minnie Me knows where Bubba's Idaho is while I at her age didn't even know there was a United States!
I really like this as the states are in order of statehood which goes nicely with historical understanding. It is not difficult and is cut and paste fun.
This is an easy to follow study she works on about once a week.
When Minnie Me walked by she was so excited and said, "That's the United States!"
She doesn't read and it was just the outline. Preschool is paying off!
I had not planned on buying this, but it was on a free table and I remembered it to be good with my son. We skipped past most of the front of the book to where I felt she was. As it was a free book a few of the pages were used. In the BEGINNING....we skipped more than what had been worked in. FREE is great!
This is my favorite used find of the year!
$10.00 - US History done like year books
in color and exciting. She loves them. The whole family loves them. These are truly a treasure even though it is not current. History doesn't change..........worldviews do. It is not a Christian text but it is not non-Christian either. It's one huge timeline, illustrated, maps, charts, and informative text like news articles. We are using this as our main US text book like an outline for the year. God answered prayer with this. I asked Him for a clearer plan than just biographies! Later she will use these for reference and supplements! Sometimes I find great deals and don't use them. I did this year too. But this is a winner!
This is my most canned school stuff. I'm following it as planned for the most part.
We need this type of science this year to keep us on track and assist with partial independent work.
I like that it supports order and is easy to assign.
This is a good science text with a solid Christian world view. Check!
Science is not as exciting this way so Daddy is doing many of the labs with her for bonding time.
I am supplementing with other fun science activities and to do with the little ones.
We've changed from Saxon to Horizons this year. Both are excellent programs. Horizons, however, has work book format beyond third grade! A PLUS for Little Mommy as she is not ready to make that change. She likes the new book and is eager to do math. So I am very pleased we made the change. These books are also colorful and have a Christian world view. It looks like more fun when you do it. So she likes it. The cost is not high without the teaching books. There are two books a level. I used Horizons with my son and switched to Saxon when he was older. I thought, wow, why don't I just start off with Saxon this time.........wrongo. Some math programs I have seen are not very challenging. Horizons is a good preparation for higher math. When comparing all the programs I felt like I was in a time capsule from the past. She called Bubba and told him what her new math was going to be and he said, "YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT WAY BETTER THAN SAXON!" This from a boy that finished all his college math in high school. So next year when I buy Horizons math for Minnie Me to start............I'm holding my breath for a match! She may just be my Saxon Girl!
This is our first biography of the year. Little Mommy loves to read and especially likes this series of biographies. I allotted a month and she read it every second of her free time... so to keep it on her mind longer I've decided to make lap books or some other project for each book. Mostly for exposure and not a deep study. Much sticks!
This is an easy read and good for children. I don't know if she is ready for the full version. We may consider it.
She read this book about two years ago, remembering some and asked to have it part of this year's studies.
I have the full version of this book and after I read it I will decided how to used it.
We are going to be focusing on the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation this year. All of which needs more study of Lincoln.
I am hoping this will spark a respect and interest in words!
To be a Word Smith!
She's already read the first two in this series. They are written in story form not history text.
We have this and many others like it. She has already read it and likes to re-read it. We live near one hero's legacy and will be visiting it this year.
There are several Christian Women not listed in this book that I want to study with her by film or text.
Two in particular are Sojourner Truth and Henriette Delille.
I do not plan an intense study with this. However, as the election process unfolds I will use it as a spring board towards the end of the school year and for next year more formally.
The Christian Hero Series by YWAM caught my heart when my son was young. I found them at FPEA convention! Since then I have shared my discovery with many families and have not found a child or parent that didn't like them. So if you are looking for something LOOK to YWAM biographies.
We have several in our home library and she has chosen the ones she wants to read this year. My plan is to block time for a deeper study. Last year she did Lillian Trasher, creating a project board and presented it to our co-op class. Each student did one as well creating more excitement. In the past she has read and filled her dreams with ambitions to follow the LORD in an adventuresome life! She is excited to study more amazing Christian women. Planting dreams in her My mind as a girl, as a young woman was so limited. God is unlimited! These biographies show my daughter walks of faith the way I can not. They open her world. See the Christian life as LIFE.
Both of their stories are amazing. Though I am familiar with their stories. I have not read these particular books and look forward to it myself. There are some films made about these life journeys but I am not sure if Little Mommy will watch them in their entirety, in part or at all............just yet. It is difficult subject matter. The Lord will guide our paths in this. She will watch the films but probably not until the high school years. There are some other books in this series of the men, Bill Eliot and Nate Saint. Most likely this will be an on going study for several years....depending on her interest. I would very much like for her to set this pace.
Total Language Plus, our MAJOR change this year. Is met with both delight and groans! We are following it but at a slower pace. It is challenging. Last year and the year before each had areas of language arts that did not stick in Little Mommy's mind and are not coming out with use. Limited fruit. Last year was better but started killing some of her love of learning. It was dry and matched her better than before yet still sickly fruit from a tree that was now not interested at all. This approach is very different. It is hard, yet I think we have found a method that matches her. Because of her love of reading. These books are NOT delighting her the way the others are because she is using them FOR text books. (She does like the book, just wishes she could just read it!) It was very difficult for me to select which books to start with and at what level. Her reading is high but her other skills are not. It is going well. NOTE: She learned reading with a different approach. That should have been a clue. My goal is not mastery but growth and desire to grow with real fruit! Fruit she can use and want to. As progress is made in the year mastery will come a bit at a time. Progress! And a found path to get where we want to go! I'm praying we have found that sweet spot of learning.
After 14plus years of homeschooling we have amassed a library rich with supplemental materials.
Family, films, field trips, holidays, parks, beaches and friends plan to fill out our subjects.
Homemaking is HUGE and we don't really use books much for it.
A big high light in the year is Co-op. Classes, Field Trips, Parties and Fellowship.
Little Mommy's co-op classes this year are:
Cake Decorating
First Ladies
Chess Club
PE Fun
I have resumed a sewing group at our home for her friends once a month and another day a month for sewing with Mommy and Grammy.
Dance is our major PE program. She is VERY active everyday. But this is our focus:
Weekly dance lessons with a Christian mission minded company
Our area's Civic Ballet Nutcracker Performance and related events
Whatever you do, do to the glory of God. How many times I have said this to my children in regards to music. It both directs and comforts.........leaving me with a trail of memories through the years and light for the future. They all know it...maybe me the most. It is part of the Word that will never leave any of us. How often music is corrupted by the enemy. I pray for the Lord's protection over my children and their musical pursuits.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
do it all for the glory of God.
I Corinthians 10:31
Weekly comprehensive Piano lessons and lab
Monthly group lessons
Christmas Recital
Spring Recital
Student District Exams
WOW Choir at church weekly practice
Choir leads worship several Wed. night services
Musicals (two last year)
This is a group that leads children's church with worship/praise songs and movement
Two Practices a month and on her weekend
Serves at 5 service weekend- she's on the 3rd weekend
Help the need and give them Jesus
Operation Christmas Child
Ministries through Church and Co-op
Serving with our lives what He's appointed
Every Christmas season I develop a unit study based on a theme.
This Year:
The Twelve Days of Christmas
We are in our forth week of school and it's a great year so far! We're all learn'n!
Proverbs 8:32-36
“Now then, my children, listen to me;
blessed are those who keep my ways.
Listen to my instruction and be wise;
do not disregard it.
Blessed are those who listen to me,
watching daily at my doors,
waiting at my doorway.
For those who find me find life
and receive favor from the LORD.
But those who fail to find me harm themselves;
all who hate me love death.”
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