Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hotoon Island Adventure!

Friends and Florida Fun

Hontoon Island is our first of hopefully many such adventures around beautiful Florida this year. Two of the classes I'm teaching at co-op are Florida History and Florida History Fun. It is the first year I'll get to be with my Minnie Me!!! As for Little Mommy; she is loving learning about history with her friends.

It is still so hot here in the sunny south, that many of the families just do not want to be outside. Those of us that went had a wonderful, relaxing time. We all enjoyed the trail and museum. The playground and tree climbing were among the favorites of the children. Just thinking about the early Indians of Florida sends your mind on time travel. I am so sorry that I missed taking pictures of our lovely trail guide, Momshell, as she was quick to point out where the wild life had been....wild boar, armadillo, snakes, bear and more......she even suggested scat! We also noticed vascular and non vascular plants! Grammy stayed behind at the picnic tables fighting off squirls, keeping all the lunch boxes safe. I would have loved to have seen her defending the food from the army of begging creatures!

(and their mommies too)

It's starting to get hot!

 "Look! What I found!"

 "Mommy, is it real?"
 OOOOOOOO Florida bugs!
 I just might faint if I see one of these!!!!!!!
 I knew it was bad....but I really did not get this impact before.

 Grammy is always game for a homeschool field trip!

My girls and I are looking forward to our next adventure!
We are so grateful to be blessed with such good friends and family.
Thank you LORD.
The earth is the LORD'S,
and everything in it;
Psalm 24:1


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So THIS is science!



The first thing the girls had to do was pile up a mountain of shoes, one of each pair. I cannot exactly say just how many THAT was. Then the sorting began.....and began.....and began...

Trying to decide how to divide into shoe classifications was hilarious. Minnie Me's ideas about all the pretty shoes getting a special house to live in rather missed the mark. But scored high on laughter.
We ended up making Kingdoms of: Laces, Slides, Slippers and Claps!
Would you believe our lesson wanted us to classify Kingdom, Phylum, Class and Order. They even had the outrageous suggestion to take it further!  Hahahaahh You guessed it. We ended with Order!

Minnie Posing with her "pretty" shoe


Big Foot Bubba's

Little Mommy's
(He had a nicer pair on at work!)

He we go a classifying away!

Here we go a wandering,
Our minds in thought today!


Yes, Little Mommy had a fun time with this lesson and quick to a picture when I wasn't looking!
In just a few minutes we discover Minnie Me locked my bedroom door. A door of which we had no key!!!! Hinges on the inside and door knob screws on the inside too. Bubba wanted the fun to kick it in BUT Mommy just wouldn't let him. Thankfully Daddy had a stash of keys and he saved the day or rather the night! All this to study FLOWERS!
Many thanks go to Apologia's Botany! The girls can't wait until the next project!